What are the chemicals and toxins we expose ourselves to daily doing to our bodies? Many of the beauty products such as hair, skin and body care and cosmetics as well as the food we eat contain well known carcinogens and are highly toxic. The daily dosage is fairly small but we still don't know about the awaiting accumulative effects.
Extracts from Dangerous Beauty, cosmetics and personal care by Peter Dingle & Toni Brown.
This book is an eye opening experience to what we are actually exposing ourselves on a daily basis.
"Slow poisoning (accumulation) Slow or chronic posioning can occur in two main ways. The most obvious way is by the slow accumulation of chemicals in the body. And this is quite possible with shampoos. Although the body has an excretory system to metabolize and filter out unwanted toxins, the rate at which the body absorbs them is often faster than the rate at which they can be excreted. Accumulation continues until the concentrations in the blood are high enough to toxicity and severe injury."
"The areas of greatest absorption are the scalp and other areas of body hair (because of the greater number and size of hair follicles), and areas of the body where the skin is thinner, such as the forehead, the insides of arms and thighs, the eyelids and eye area, the breasts and abdomen."
"Long term toxic effects of personal care products include blood and organ damage, damage to embryonic tissues and DNA, oestrogenicity, and carcinogenic effects."
Take care of yourself and learn more about what the products you use every day contain and the possible dangers of using them.
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4 months ago
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